Installing the software

Install R

Follow the instructions at the R website to download and install the most up-to-date base R version suitable for your operating system.

Install RStudio

Having RStudio is not absolutely necessary, but material on the website follows a syntax that is close to RStudio’s R markdown notation. RStudio is available for different operating systems. Pick the open source descktop edition from here.

Some material on the website also contains Shiny apps for demonstration purposes, this is where RStudio comes handy again. To be able to run Shiny apps, install the shiny package:


Install JAGS

JAGS is robust, easy to install, and cross-paltform available. Download the latest version suitable for your operating system from here.

Once R/RStudio and JAGS are installed, run the following command in R/RStudio to install the necessary R packages:

install.packages(c("rjags", "dclone", "coda", "snow", "rlecuyer"))

Install WinBUGS

Install links. Cross-platform issues.

Get WinBUGS from this website, apply the patch and use the immortality key for best result.

Once R/RStudio and WinBUGS are installed, run the following command in R/RStudio to install the necessary R packages:

install.packages(c("R2WinBUGS", "dclone", "coda", "snow", "rlecuyer"))

Install OpenBUGS

Get OpenBUGS by following the installation guide from this website.

Once R/RStudio and OpenBUGS are installed, run the following command in R/RStudio to install the necessary R packages:

install.packages(c("R2OpenBUGS", "dclone", "coda",
    "BRugs", "snow", "rlecuyer"))

Install Stan

Follow the steps on the Stan website and wiki to install Stan and RStan.

Once R/RStudio and Stan/RStan are installed, run the following command in R/RStudio to install other necessary R packages:

install.packages(c("dclone", "coda", "snow", "rlecuyer"))

Because RStan is not available via CRAN, the data cloning related Stan functions in the dcextras R package can only be downloaded from GitHub. Make sure to update the devtools package as described here.


Development version of dclone

To install development version of dclone, install it from GitHub:
